
kulupu wi wawa unu

Listen carefully,
For the knowledges of
Salting and Canning
Are key to live long.

For salting, I say :
Slice your fresh produce
To long strips and stripes.
Cook them in steam, and
Do not boil them wet !
A big container
Fill with strong brine. Then,
Lay your stripes and mix,
At all times they drown.
For two week they sleep
Not in cold nor heat.
Then keep them outside,
To sleep in the snow.

To Can safely :
Simply store in jars
Whether raw produce,
Or soup, stew, and sauce.
Close the lid tightly,
Place in a cooker,
Cover with water,
And boil for five hours.

With this, store your food.
Though the night be long,
you will never find
yourself fall hungry.

>IRIDESCENT_DUST_5 : The travelling Author