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kulupu wi wawa unu

Dear Frederick.

Do not despair. Do not let the world have its win over you. Fight, and fight until your very last breath. For today is the last day of this world. Whether I want it or not, the utter doom of all things extant are coming.

For having trampled so many dreams and crushed so many souls, this must be the bright sword of divine justice. The garden is now dust, to be scattered on the winds, its beauty and radiance only remaining in the memories of those who saw it.

But, even as you fight, nothing can be done. This battle is between beings greater than one can understand, and no matter what weapon you wield, no matter what strategy you think of, you will not be able to scratch the surface of the Moon.

You will not kill us. You will not hurt us. You will not make us bleed.

You are powerless.

Hatingly, E.