
kulupu wi wawa unu

Dear Frederick,

We have a death. It was an easily preventable death. An avoidable, pointless death.

But it still happened. And I watched it. And I felt terrible about it and sad that it happened, but ultimately I stayed indifferent. I pushed, and the next match started.

And then there were two deaths. The two constestants killed each other, assening the other with a killing blow.

It was a bloody show of violence and cruelty. By whom ? Me, I presume. I'm the one who pitted them against each other, and who lead to them being so combattive. I killed them. Not by my own hands, but by their own. i made them pick up their weapons, and I made them spill each other's viscera in a bloody show.

The other party is Her. Her who resides within the earth, and who blessed them and with this joyous kiss cursed their fate to be hated and despised.

Sometimes I wonder. What did she hope to accomplish ? To give to just a happy few a gift so tremendous, and to curse all the other people on earth to bath in the soil at their feet.

I am alone, cold, and shivering. Nothing will come save me. Whereas I knew the trap was here, only now do I see it closing around me.
