Feeling threatened by the Magnacorona's hunt, the Pennalegis strategized their shot at survival. For them to survive, they would need to destroy every other tribes.
Fearing the retributions the Argillacreantis would rain over them when they would see their creation destroying itself, they destroyed all of the massive stone statues into which the creators had turned.
As they saw that destruction happen, the Argillacreantis gave up on their dream. They realized that the very thing they had escaped had followed them.
One of the Argillacreantis however broke the vow just before turning to stone. Infatuated with a human, they fell in love and left them a child, the descendant.
But even their love could not stop the angels, as the Argillacreantis understood that they were outsiders to this world. They let the Pennalegis destroy them, but for now left the infatuated human and their child alive.
This would prove to be the angels' biggest mistake, as the descendant inherited not only the infinite potential of humanity, but also the awe-inspiring powers of the Argillacreantis.