FeedYoCyclop : wassup?
KPWU : [image of a coyote on a rooftop] can you hear the sound that races through the end of the world ?
FeedYoCyclop : no idea what you're talking about
KPWU : can you hear the bells that ring throughout eternity ?
FeedYoCyclop : tell me why it is in my interest to talk with you
KPWU : thisworld is still and stagnant
FeedYoCyclop : yeah, we gotta change it
KPWU : we must revolktionize the world
FeedYoCyclop : your friend polythene pam told me "please stop taking psychdelic drugs" when i presented the solution, hence i believe they're not willing to seriously engage with it, but maybe you are
would the world be a better place if society were more honest? in other words, would we all live better if we were more honest?
KPWU : sure it would be better
but everything wouldnot be fi,ed
FeedYoCyclop : but through honesty we'll be able to fix stuff much easier
and how do you think others would answer this?
KPWU : i doubt many would hate this
FeedYoCyclop : okay so let's get clear on what we can be certain about:
we live in a mostly dishonest society
most people say yes when asked "would the world be a better place if society were honest?"
this seems to be a paradox, if people value honesty, why is there so much dishonesty? because most people want to be honest but are afraid to be, so the problem isn't that most people don't want to be honest, but that they mistakenly perceive that others don't want to be which causes them to be dishonest which causes others to be dishonest and so on, it's a vicious cycle, and this really applies to any other negative trait, they perceive that others are evil, greedy and out to get them which ironically makes them become one of them even tho they are good people, so because we assume the worst in others we become like how we perceive others to be, mistakenly believing this is how we protect ourselves when in fact we're sabotaging ourselves, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps us stuck and this is all because of a mostly flawed perception
KPWU : you should taste your own medicine before you preach it
how many people have you sent this exact paragraph to?
FeedYoCyclop : had a different approach before, today i changed the approach so i just started this so just a few, and in case it's not obvious, i'm copy pasting this because it's more efficient this way
KPWU : the wall of taste makes people not listen
FeedYoCyclop : ?
KPWU : wall of text i mean
FeedYoCyclop : if you're gonna say that's a wall of text then you're arguing in bad faith and we'd be wasting each other's time continuing to talk
funny how you say that in the context of read 10000x more text in school which forces you to memorize useless shit
in comparison to a life-changing paragraph
KPWU : well i haven't mentionned anythin like school, have i ?
thing is, people will not listen to ymu
i get where you're coming from but people have not listened to others who tgied to do what you do, and they won't listened to you
FeedYoCyclop : just because you didn't mention doesn't mean i can't make the statistically certain assumption that you went to school and were forced to memorize useless shitnot the same thing
KPWU : because iwas forced doesn't mean i did
FeedYoCyclop : but you conflate them because you don't yet understand the solution
but you seem to be a high-hanging fruit so you're not gonna be the focus until later
KPWU : i didn't conflate them
youre the one who brought school into this !
if you want to change peorle's mind you can't do it with words
thats been attempted for thousand of years and look where it got us
FeedYoCyclop : were you born with the beliefs you currently have?
KPWU : no, i developed them over my interactions with others and seeing how they affected me
by watching their actions
FeedYoCyclop : yeah sure so never in your entire life the conversations you had with people had 0 influence on you, look i'm not gonna waste my time if you're so blindly unaware of what you're saying
KPWU : if you go straight at people with the goal of changing their mind and they know it, they will resist like a rock
ive had life changing conversations because i was willing to change my mind
FeedYoCyclop : okay so you're the only one who was willing to change their mind, everyone else isn't, you're special
KPWU : thats not what im saying
im saying that the way youre doing things is leading people to resist what you say
FeedYoCyclop : then do it better than me
get the message i'm trying to convey to people
and deliver it better
KPWU : i am trying, through writing and making things
but ultimately its a battle i know i'll lose
FeedYoCyclop : no cuz it's not the same message
KPWU : how old are you?
FeedYoCyclop : 23
KPWU : well, how do you know that [my writing isn't the same message] ?
have you read my writings ? seen my pictures ?
FeedYoCyclop : if people were already doing that we'd be seeing the honesty revolution already happening
KPWU : im not asking people i'm asking you specifically
FeedYoCyclop : just letting you know that unless you're gonna engage with what i said here i'm not gonna continue replying cuz i'm wasting my time
KPWU : how can you be so sure of what my writing is saying if you havent read it
FeedYoCyclop : statistical inference
the fact that i never found this solution online when i googled it
KPWU : [image of a wolf looking at the camera, with a very large nose]
the link is literally my name
FeedYoCyclop : yeah and i'm not curious to read your stuff
KPWU : i dont think honesty is the core problem.we don't need to know everything about everyone, and honesty can also push us to work alokgside people we don't like, which in the end is a very good thing
rather the problem is that everything we're led to believe is puppeted by a few
(i'm making this about capitalism)
FeedYoCyclop : "i dont think honesty is the core problem" see, ofc i knew that it's not the same message
i'm not gonna continue this conversation unless you're gonna engage with that paragraph which takes only so little time to read
KPWU : i did read it, and i decided that i wasn't going to engage with a copy pasted paragraph
FeedYoCyclop : yeah because you're offended i didn't personalize the message just for you
but you don't get that there's nothing to personalize
in the context of just telling the solution
the message is the same for everyone
KPWU : tell me, why should i care about a copy pasted paragraph
FeedYoCyclop : why does the fact that it's copy pasted change anything?
KPWU : the thing is that by sending a copy pasted paragraph its putting a stop to the conversation
its like saying "i am right. read this and know of my righteousness.
FeedYoCyclop : not when the thing being pasted has its place
what sense does it make for me to retype exactly the same ideas?
it's strictly a matter of efficiency
KPWU : by having a conversation with people, they'll be more engaged in it
it all loops around
dropping a copy-pasted paragraph will lead to people resisting you head-on
FeedYoCyclop : yes and no, so the thing is that i do want to make people learn to think by not giving them the answers directly but by asking them questions, but that can be annoying depending on the person and if overdone, which is why the conversations i'm having are a balance between improvising answers and sometimes pasting stuff because it's more efficient
KPWU : treating this with efficiencw in mind is a bad idea
a conversation made to be efficient is just aall center telephone standard
FeedYoCyclop : imagine someone sends me a video to watch on the topic that we're discussing, from the context i'll be able to tell if it has its place in the sense of the video being able to articulate the position of that someone than they can articulate it
because the subjectivity of language is a pain in the ass
if i know i expressed things clearly enough then why would i want to risk confusing the other person by improvising a messy answer that consists of exactly the same ideas that don't require personalization?
KPWU : because if you engage in the conversation people will engage
otherwise it feels like school
or like ymure going through a standardized flowchart
FeedYoCyclop : yes and you saw that i engaged ffs
just because once in a while i paste stuff doesn't mean i don't engage
KPWU : but most people won't
how manw people have you had a conversation with by starting like tgis ?
FeedYoCyclop : you're not considering the counter argument of people that just want me to directly tell them what this whole thing is about, yk, getting to the subject
KPWU : that can be done with cmpy pasting a large paragraph!
FeedYoCyclop : not much text but hey that actually acts like a filter, like if they're not willing to engage with that bit of text then they're not gonna engage with more stuff that i'd send them and which would be necessary in order for them to get what i'm saying
KPWU : how long have you been doing this actually
FeedYoCyclop : .
KPWU : .
KPWU : btw can i post this whole exchange on my site
i like to interview people and such, and put it on there
FeedYoCyclop : sure
KPWU : do you want to be anonyme ?
if not what name should i use
FeedYoCyclop : thanks for asking, you can use my discord username
KPWU : okaay